Auto Insurance Quote Step 1 Auto Insurance Quote Basic Information Step 1 of 4 First Name:* Last Name:* Email:* Street Address:* City:* State:* ZIP:* Date of Birth:* Primary Phone:* Do you Own or Rent your home?* —Please choose an option—RentOwn Do you live with your parents or friends?* —Please choose an option—NeitherParentFriends How long have you lived at your current address?* —Please choose an option—Less than 2 months2 months to a yearOver a year Policy Information What is your current auto insurance company? How long have you been insured with them? —Please choose an option—Less than 1 year1 to 3 yearsMore than 3 years What is the renewal date on your auto policy? Can you provide proof of previous insurance? —Please choose an option—YesNo 82400